
开始搜了半天要手动安装VMware tools,结果安装上了也不能启用,搜了一下Manjaro的wiki,居然有这个问题的解决

Installing Manjaro under VMWare
There are no special requirements to installing Manjaro on VMWare. open-vmware-tools is pre-installed. It should “just work”

Copy and Paste
If copy and paste does not work, you may need to install gtkmm3 and re-boot. vmware-user-suid-wrapper depends on gtkmm, but it’s not a required dependency of the package. See: https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/43159

就是说Manjaro自带open-vm-tools,不需要再安装VMware tools,实现复制粘贴功能只需要安装gtkmm包并重启即可,亲测有效。